The Swift Programming Language 中文版





In Swift, there are two kinds of statements: simple statements and control flow statements. Simple statements are the most common and consist of either an expression or a declaration. Control flow statements are used to control the flow of execution in a program. There are three types of control flow statements in Swift: loop statements, branch statements, and control transfer statements.


Loop statements allow a block of code to be executed repeatedly, branch statements allow a certain block of code to be executed only when certain conditions are met, and control transfer statements provide a way to alter the order in which code is executed. Each type of control flow statement is described in detail below.

A semicolon (;) can optionally appear after any statement and is used to separate multiple statements if they appear on the same line.


statement -> expression;opt statement -> declaration;opt statement -> loop-statement;opt statement -> branch-statement;opt statement -> labeled-statement statement -> control-transfer-statement;opt statement -> statement statements;opt

语句表达式 ; 可选
语句声明 ; 可选
语句循环语句 ; 可选
语句分支语句 ; 可选
语句标记语句(Labeled Statement)
语句控制转移语句 ; 可选
多条语句(Statements)语句 多条语句(Statements) 可选

Loop Statements


Loop statements allow a block of code to be executed repeatedly, depending on the conditions specified in the loop. Swift has four loop statements: a for statement, a for-in statement, a while statement, and a do-while statement.

Control flow in a loop statement can be changed by a break statement and a continue statement and is discussed in Break Statement and Continue Statement below.

loop-statement -> for-statement loop-statement -> for-in-statement loop-statement -> while-statement loop-statement -> do-while-statement

各个编程语言从语法上讲,基本的变量,语句都是类似的,swift循环语句也提供四种方式来循环语句:for语句 for in语句 while语句 do-shile语句 通过breakcontinue可以改变循环语句的控制流,和其他语言类似,具体可参考break和continue


For Statement


A for statement allows a block of code to be executed repeatedly while incrementing a counter, as long as a condition remains true.

A for statement has the following form:

for initialization; condition; increment {

for语句可以重复的执行一端代码,并且可以递增一个计数器 for语句的形式如下

for `initialzation`; `condition`; `increment` {

The semicolons between the initialization, condition, and increment are required. The braces around the statements in the body of the loop are also required.

A for statement is executed as follows:

The initialization is evaluated only once. It is typically used to declare and initialize any variables that are needed for the remainder of the loop. The condition expression is evaluated. If true, the program executes the statements, and execution continues to step 3. If false, the program does not execute the statements or the increment expression, and the program is finished executing the for statement. The increment expression is evaluated, and execution returns to step 2. Variables defined within the initialization are valid only within the scope of the for statement itself.

The value of the condition expression must have a type that conforms to the LogicValue protocol.

for-statement -> for for-initexpressionopt; expressionopt code-block for-statement -> for (for-initopt;expressionopt; expressionopt) code-block for-init -> variable-declaration | expression-list

initialzation conditionincrement之间的分号 不可少,也不可少

  1. initialzation只是被执行一次,通常用于声明和初始化在接下来循环中需要的变量
  2. condition:如果为真(truestatements将会执行,进行第3步,如果为falsestatementsincrement都不会被执行,for至此执行完毕
  3. 计算increment表达式,然后转到第2步。


For 循环语法
for语句 → for for初始条件 可选 ; 表达式 可选 ; 表达式 可选 代码块
for语句 → for for初始条件 可选 ; 表达式 可选 ; 表达式 可选 ) 代码块
for初始条件变量声明 | 表达式列表

For-In Statement

For-In 语句

A for-in statement allows a block of code to be executed once for each item in a collection (or any type) that conforms to the Sequence protocol.

A for-in statement has the following form:

for item in collection {



for `item` in `collection` {

The generate method is called on the collection expression to obtain a value of a generator type—that is, a type that conforms to the Generator protocol. The program begins executing a loop by calling the next method on the stream. If the value returned is not None, it is assigned to the item pattern, the program executes the statements, and then continues execution at the beginning of the loop. Otherwise, the program does not perform assignment or execute the statements, and it is finished executing the for-in statement

GRAMMAR OF A FOR-IN STATEMENT for-in-statement -> for pattern in expression code-block

for-in语句在循环开始前会调用collection表达式的generate方法来获取一个生成器类型(这是一个遵循Generator协议的类型)的值。接下来循环开始,调用collection表达式的next方法。如果其返回值不是None,它将会被赋给item,然后执行statements,执行完毕后回到循环开始处;否则,将不会赋值给item也不会执行statementsfor-in至此执行完毕。这和javascript中的for in语句是一样的,可以理解为循环collection,如果有key的取出,去执行接下来的statements


for-in语句for 模式 in 表达式 代码块

While Statement


A while statement allows a block of code to be executed repeatedly, as long as a condition remains true.

A while statement has the following form:

while condition {

while语句允许重复执行代码块 while语句的形式如下:

while `condition` {

A while statement is executed as follows:

  1. The condition is evaluated. If true, execution continues to step 2. If false, the program is finished executing the while statement.
  2. The program executes the statements, and execution returns to step 1.

Because the value of the condition is evaluated before the statements are executed, the statements in a while statement can be executed zero or more times.

The value of the condition must have a type that conforms to the LogicValue protocol. The condition can also be an optional binding declaration, as discussed in Optional Bindind

GRAMMAR OF A WHILE STATEMENT while-statement -> whild while-condition code-block while-condition -> expression | declaration

while语句的执行流程为判断condition,如果为真(true),这会执行statements,否则while语句执行到此结束 由于condition的值在statements执行前就已计算出,因此while语句中的statements可能会被执行若干次,也可能不会被执行。 condition表达式的值的类型必须遵循LogicValue协议。同时,condition表达式也可以使用可选绑定,请参考可选绑定待添加链接。

While 循环语法
while语句while while-condition code-block
while条件expression | declaration

Do-While Statement

Do-While 语句

A do-while statement allows a block of code to be executed one or more times, as long as a condition remains true.

A do-while statement has the following form:

do {
} while condition

do-while语句允许代码块被执行一次或多次。 do-while语句的形式如下:

do {
} while `condition`

A do-while statement is executed as follows:

  1. The program executes the statements, and execution continues to step 2
  2. The condition is evaluated.If true, execution returns to step 1. If false, the program is finished executing the do-while statement.


  1. 执行statements,完后钻到2
  2. 计算condition表达式,如果返回(true)继续回到1新一轮执行,否则do-while至此执行完毕

Because the value of the condition is evaluated after the statements are executed, the statements in a do-while statement are executed at least once.

The value of the condition must have a type that conforms to the LogicValue protocol. The condition can also be an optional binding declaration, as discussed in Optional Binding

由于condition是在statements执行之后才会计算,因此可见,相比较while而言,do-while至少会执行一次 condition表达式的值的类型必须遵循LogicValue协议。同时,condition表达式也可以使用可选绑定,请参考可选绑定。

do-while-statement→ do code-block while while-condition

Branch Statements


Branch statements allow the program to execute certain parts of code depending on the value of one or more conditions. The values of the conditions specified in a branch statement control how the program branches and, therefore, what block of code is executed. Swift has two branch statements: an if statement and a switch statement.

Control flow in a switch statement can be changed by a break statement and is discussed in Break Statement below

GRAMMAR OF A BRANCH STAREMENT branch-statement -> if-statement brach-statement -> switch-statement

通过一个或者多个条件的值,来决定语句允许程序执行指定部分的代码,swift和其他语言类似提供了if语句和switch语句 switch语句中的控制流可以用break语句修改,请参考Break 语句。

branch-statement → if-statement branch-statement → switch-statement

If Statement


An if statement is used for executing code based on the evaluation of one or more conditions.

There are two basic forms of an if statement. In each form, the opening and closing braces are required.

The first form allows code to be executed only when a condition is true and has the following form:

if condition {

通过一个或多个条件的值来决定执行哪一块的代码,if语句主要有三种使用方式,但无乱哪种方式都需要添加{} 第一种形式是当且仅当条件为真时执行代码,像下面这样:

if `condition` {

The second form of an if statement provides an additional else clause (introduced by the else keyword) and is used for executing one part of code when the condition is true and another part code when the same condition is false. When a single else clause is present, an if statement has the following form:

if condition {
    statements to execute if condition is true
} else {
    statements to execute if condition is false

The else clause of an if statement can contain another if statement to test more than one condition. An if statement chained together in this way has the following form:

if condition 1 {
    statements to execute if condition 1 is true
} else if condition 2 {
    statements to execute if condition 2 is true
} else {
    statements to execute if both conditions are false


if `condition` {
    `statements to execute if condition is true`
} else {
    `statements to execute if condition is false`


if `condition 1` {
    `statements to execute if condition 1 is true`
} else if `condition 2` {
    `statements to execute if condition 2 is true`
else {
    `statements to execute if both conditions are false`

The value of any condition in an if statement must have a type that conforms to the LogicValue protocol. The condition can also be an optional binding declaration, as discussed inOption Binding

GRAMMAR OF AN IF STATEMENT if-statement -> if if-condition code-block else-clause opt if-condition -> expression | declaration else-clause -> else code-block | else if-statement


if-statement → if if-condition code-block else-clause opt

if-condition → expression | declaration

else-clause → else code-block | else if-statement opt

Switch Statement

Switch 语句

A switch statement allows certain blocks of code to be executed depending on the value of a control expression. A switch statement has the following form:

switch control expression {
case pattern 1:
case pattern 2 where condition:
case pattern 3 where condition,
pattern 4 where condition:

取决于switch~语句的控制表达式(control expression),switch`语句将决定执行哪一块代码。


switch `control expression` {
    case `pattern 1`:
    case `pattern 2` where `condition`:
    case `pattern 3` where `condition`,
    `pattern 4` where `condition`:

The control expression of the switch statement is evaluated and then compared with the patterns specified in each case. If a match is found, the program executes the statements listed within the scope of that case. The scope of each case can’t be empty. As a result, you must include at least one statement following the colon (:) of each case label. Use a single break statement if you don’t intend to execute any code in the body of a matched case.

switch语句的表达式control expression会首选被计算,然后与下面的每个case的模式进行匹配,如果匹配成功,程序将会执行对应case中的statements,需要注意的是每个case不能为空,也就是说在case中至少有一条语句,如果在相应case中不想执行代码,只需要在程序中写个break即可

The values of expressions your code can branch on is very flexible. For instance, in addition to the values of scalar types, such as integers and characters, your code can branch on the values of any type, including floating-point numbers, strings, tuples, instances of custom classes, and optionals. The value of the control expression can even be matched to the value of a case in an enumeration and checked for inclusion in a specified range of values. For examples of how to use these various types of values in switch statements, see Switch in the Control Flow chapter.

A switch case can optionally contain a guard expression after each pattern. A guard expression is introduced by the keyword where followed by an expression, and is used to provide an additional condition before a pattern in a case is considered matched to the control expression. If a guard expression is present, the statements within the relevant case are executed only if the value of the control expression matches one of the patterns of the case and the guard expression evaluates to true. For instance, a control expression matches the case in the example below only if it is a tuple that contains two elements of the same value, such as (1, 1).

case let (x, y) where x == y:


你可以在模式后端添加一个保护作用的表达式(guard expression),构成是这样的:关键字where后面跟着一个作为额外测试条件的表达式,因此当且仅当表达式匹配的一个case的某个模式在保护作用的表达式为真时,对应case中的statements才会被执行,在下面例子中,控制表达式只会匹配含有两个相等元素的元组

case let (x, y) where x == y:

As the above example shows, patterns in a case can also bind constants using the keyword let (they can also bind variables using the keyword var). These constants (or variables) can then be referenced in a corresponding guard expression and throughout the rest of the code within the scope of the case. That said, if the case contains multiple patterns that match the control expression, none of those patterns can contain constant or variable bindings.


A switch statement can also include a default case, introduced by the keyword default. The code within a default case is executed only if no other cases match the control expression. A switch statement can include only one default case, which must appear at the end of the switch statement.

Although the actual execution order of pattern-matching operations, and in particular the evaluation order of patterns in cases, is unspecified, pattern matching in a switch statement behaves as if the evaluation is performed in source order—that is, the order in which they appear in source code. As a result, if multiple cases contain patterns that evaluate to the same value, and thus can match the value of the control expression, the program executes only the code within the first matching case in source order.



Switch Statements Must Be Exhaustive

Switch 语句必须是完备的

In Swift, every possible value of the control expression’s type must match the value of at least one pattern of a case. When this simply isn’t feasible (for instance, when the control expression’s type is Int), you can include a default case to satisfy the requirement


Execution Does Not Fall Through Cases Implicitly

不存在隐式的贯穿(fall through)

After the code within a matched case has finished executing, the program exits from the switch statement. Program execution does not continue or “fall through” to the next case or default case. That said, if you want execution to continue from one case to the next, explicitly include a fallthrough statement, which simply consists of the keyword fallthrough, in the case from which you want execution to continue. For more information about the fallthrough statement, see Fallthrough Statement below

switch-statement -> switch expression {switch-cases opt} switch-cases -> switch-case switch-cases opt switch-case -> case-label statements | default-label statements switch-case switch-case: | default-label: case-label -> case case-item-list: case-item-list -> pattern guard-clause opt | pattern guard-clauseopt , case-item-list default-label -> default guard-clause -> where guard-expression guard-expression -> expression

当匹配的case代码在执行完毕后,程序会终止switch语句,而不会继续执行下一个case语句,这就意味着,如果你想执行下一个case块,需要显式地在你需要的case块里使用fallthrough语句。关于fallthrough语句的更多信息,请参考Fallthrough 语句。

switch-statement -> switch expression {switch-cases opt} switch-cases -> switch-case switch-cases opt switch-case -> case-label statements | default-label statements switch-case switch-case: | default-label: case-label -> case case-item-list: case-item-list -> pattern guard-clause opt | pattern guard-clauseopt , case-item-list default-label -> default guard-clause -> where guard-expression guard-expression -> expression

Labeled Statement


You can prefix a loop statement or a switch statement with a statement label, which consists of the name of the label followed immediately by a colon (:). Use statement labels with break and continue statements to be explicit about how you want to change control flow in a loop statement or a switch statement, as discussed in Break Statement and Continue Statement below.

你可以在循环语句和switch语句前面加上标签,它由标签名和组成,在breakcontinue后面跟上标签名可以显式的在循环语句和switch语句中更改控制流,把控制权传递给指定标签标记的语句。关于这两条语句用法,请参考Break 语句和Continue 语句

The scope of a labeled statement is the entire statement following the statement label. You can nest labeled statements, but the name of each statement label must be unique.

For more information and to see examples of how to use statement labels, see Labeled Statements in the Control Flow chapter

labeld-statement -> statement-label loop-statement | statement-label switch-statement statement-label -> label-name: label-name -> identifier



labeld-statement -> statement-label loop-statement | statement-label switch-statement statement-label -> label-name: label-name -> identifier

Control Transfer Statements


Control transfer statements can change the order in which code in your program is executed by unconditionally transferring program control from one piece of code to another. Swift has four control transfer statements: a break statement, a continue statement, a fallthrough statement, and a return statement.

control-transfer-statement -> break-statement control-transfer-statement -> continue-statement continue-statement -> fallthrougth-statement continue-statement -> return-statement

能够无条件的把控制权从一片代码传递到另一片代码,控制传递语句能够改变代码的执行顺序,Swift 提供四种类型的控制传递语句: break语句,continue语句,fallthrough语句和return语句

control-transfer-statement -> break-statement control-transfer-statement -> continue-statement continue-statement -> fallthrougth-statement continue-statement -> return-statement

Break Statement


A break statement ends program execution of a loop or a switch statement. A break statement can consist of only the keyword break, or it can consist of the keyword break followed by the name of a statement label, as shown below.

break label name

break用于终止循环或是switch语句,用break语句时,可以只写break这个关键词,也可以在break后面跟上标签名(label name),像下面这样:

break label name

When a break statement is followed by the name of a statement label, it ends program execution of the loop or switch statement named by that label.

When a break statement is not followed by the name of a statement label, it ends program execution of the switch statement or the innermost enclosing loop statement in which it occurs.


而当只有break关键词时,则会终止switch语句或上下文中包含break 的最内层的循环的执行

In both cases, program control is then transferred to the first line of code following the enclosing loop or switch statement, if any.

For examples of how to use a break statement, see Break and Labeled Statements in the Control Flow chapter.

break-statement -> break label-name opt



break-statement -> break label-name opt

Continue Statement

Continue 语句

A continue statement ends program execution of the current iteration of a loop statement but does not stop execution of the loop statement. A continue statement can consist of only the keyword continue, or it can consist of the keyword continue followed by the name of a statement label, as shown below.

continue label name

continue语句用于终止循环中当前迭代的执行,但不会终止该循环的执行。使用continue语句时,和break一样,可以只写continue这个关键词,也可以在continue后面跟上标签名(label name),像下面这样:

continue label name

When a continue statement is followed by the name of a statement label, it ends program execution of the current iteration of the loop statement named by that label.

When a continue statement is not followed by the name of a statement label, it ends program execution of the current iteration of the innermost enclosing loop statement in which it occurs.



In both cases, program control is then transferred to the condition of the enclosing loop statement.

In a for statement, the increment expression is still evaluated after the continue statement is executed, because the increment expression is evaluated after the execution of the loop’s body.

For examples of how to use a continue statement, see Continue and Labeled Statements in the Control Flow chapter

continue-statement -> continue label-nameopt




continue-statement -> continue label-nameopt

Fallthrough Statement

Fallthrough 语句

A fallthrough statement consists of the fallthrough keyword and occurs only in a case block of a switch statement. A fallthrough statement causes program execution to continue from one case in a switch statement to the next case. Program execution continues to the next case even if the patterns of the case label do not match the value of the switch statement’s control expression.

A fallthrough statement can appear anywhere inside a switch statement, not just as the last statement of a case block, but it can’t be used in the final case block. It also cannot transfer control into a case block whose pattern contains value binding patterns.


For an example of how to use a fallthrough statement in a switch statement, see Control Transfer Statements in the Control Flow chapter.

fallthrough-statement -> fallthrough


fallthrough-statement -> fallthrough

Return Statement

Return 语句

A return statement occurs only in the body of a function or method definition and causes program execution to return to the calling function or method. Program execution continues at the point immediately following the function or method call.

A return statement can consist of only the keyword return, or it can consist of the keyword return followed by an expression, as shown below.

return expression

return用于在函数或是方法中,将控制权传递给调用者,接着程序将会从调用者的位置继续的往下执行 使用return语句时,可以只写return这个关键词,也可以在return后面跟上表达式,像下面这样

return `expression`

When a return statement is followed by an expression, the value of the expression is returned to the calling function or method. If the value of the expression does not match the value of the return type declared in the function or method declaration, the expression’s value is converted to the return type before it is returned to the calling function or method.


When a return statement is not followed by an expression, it can be used only to return from a function or method that does not return a value (that is, when the return type of the function or method is Void or ()).

return-statement -> return expressionopt


return-statement -> return expressionopt